International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice <p align="justify"><strong>The International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice</strong> is a peer-reviewed international journal published by the <strong>Research and Community Services Center of STAI-PIQ Sumatera Barat</strong><span class="affiliation">,</span> Indonesia. The International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice is published in <strong>April</strong> and <strong>October</strong> every year, open to authors worldwide regardless of nationality. All published articles will be assigned a DOI provided by Crossref. The International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice provides a forum for academics and researchers to publish the latest and significant research as well as other publication activities, such as book reviews and articles. The specific aims of this Journal are (i) offering a forum for publishing high quality research in Islamic thought, (ii) Presenting new ideas and philosophical findings in Islamic thought and contemporary Muslim issues, (iii) Encouraging greater exchange of information. among various Islamic studies scholars around the world. and (iv) Disseminate the latest research that explores the relationship between Islamic thought and Islamic issues in the following scope.</p> en-US (Hamdani Abdi) (Muhammad Irfan) Sat, 18 Jan 2025 04:32:15 +0000 OJS 60 The Values of Islamic Education Contained in the Biographical Novel Buya Hamka by Ahmad Fuadiilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam Yang Terkandung Dalam Novel Biografi Buya Hamka Karya Ahmad Fuadi <p>This research aims to identify and analyze the values ??of Islamic education contained in the novel Buya Hamka by Ahmad Fuadi, including the values ??of aqidah, worship and morals. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a content analysis approach to the content of the novel, supported by references to Islamic and educational literature. The research results show that this novel contains strong aqidah values, such as firmness of faith, trust, and belief in Allah SWT as the foundation of life. In the aspect of worship, this novel emphasizes the importance of prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and consistency in worship as a form of obedience to Allah. Meanwhile, in moral values, we find teachings about honesty, patience, compassion and social responsibility, which Buya Hamka applies in everyday life. These findings show that the novel Buya Hamka not only conveys a moral message, but also provides a practical example in the application of Islamic educational values. The implication of this research is that literary works such as the novel Buya Hamka can be used as effective learning media to instill Islamic educational values, both in the family, school and community environments. This novel is relevant to support the formation of a holistic and contextual Islamic character in the modern era.</p> Yosil Aulia, Hamdani Abdi, Martono Martono, Daku Panca Putra Copyright (c) 2025 Yosil Aulia, Hamdani Abdi, Martono, Daku Panca Putra Sat, 18 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning Evaluation Based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Merdeka Curriculum <p>The implementation of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning evaluation based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) in the Merdeka Curriculum is an educational innovation that aims to improve the quality of learning through a more dynamic and student-centered approach. The purpose of the research on the implementation of the Project Based Learning (PjBL)-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning evaluation in the Merdeka Curriculum at Madrasah Diniyah Kulliyatul Muallimin Guguak Tinggi is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) method in PAI learning. This research method uses descriptive quantitative. The research will involve quantitative data collection through surveys and questionnaires distributed to students and teachers at Madrasah Diniyah Kulliyatul Muallimin Guguak Tinggi. The questionnaires are designed to measure students' perceptions and satisfaction levels as well as the effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL) implementation from the teachers' perspective. In addition, additional data will be collected through document analysis, such as student project results, teacher evaluation reports, and classroom observation notes. The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics to describe the frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation of the variables studied. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL) is effective in improving students' understanding of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teaching materials. Students are actively involved in learning, increase motivation, and develop critical, creative, and collaborative skills. Challenges such as limited resources, lack of teacher training, and difficulty designing evaluation instruments according to the Project Based Learning (PjBL) context were also identified. To overcome them, in-depth training for teachers, improved access to technology and learning resources, and the development of evaluation strategies in accordance with Project Based Learning (PjBL) are needed. By adopting the practical recommendations from this study, it is expected that the implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL)-based PAI learning evaluation can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving Merdeka Curriculum goals.</p> Abdul Rahman; Remiswal Remiswal, Khadijah Khadijah; Noornajihan Jaafar Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rahman; Remiswal Remiswal, Khadijah Khadijah Sat, 18 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Al-Ghazali's Perspective Moderating Values in the Book Bidayah al-Hidayah <p>This research is motivated by the motivation to explore the values ??of moderation in Sufism because Sufism is seen to function as a basic framework for promoting religious moderation. This is because the teachings of Sufism emphasize the integration of Sufi values ??into social life, which can help fight extremism, radicalism and intolerance. This research aims to examine the values ??of moderation from Imam al-Ghazali's perspective contained in the book Bidayah al-Hidayah. Al-Ghazali, as one of the great figures in the history of Islamic thought, emphasized the importance of balance in various aspects of religious life, including worship, morality and social interaction. Using a qualitative approach, this research analyzes the texts in Bidayah al-Hidayah to identify the principles of moderation proposed by al-Ghazali. The results of the analysis show that al-Ghazali prioritizes values ??such as Tawazun (balance), Tasamuh (tolerance), I'tidal (justice/putting things in their place), and looking for a middle way (Tawasuth) avoiding extremism in worship and interacting with other people. to achieve a harmonious life. By strengthening the principles of moderation, Muslims are expected to be able to overcome the challenges of division and conflict in diverse societies. It is hoped that these findings can contribute to the development of moderate thinking in Islam and increase awareness of the importance of these values ??in everyday life</p> Onrico Candra, Linda Suanti, Khairul Amar Mohamad Copyright (c) 2025 Onrico Candra, Linda Suanti, Khairul Amar Mohamad Sat, 18 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Values of Teachers' Soft Skills and Hard Skills in Surah Al-Fatihah from The Perspective of Islamic Education <p>Surat al-Fatihah is known as the mother of the Quran, which also contains educational objectives. The correlation of Surah Al-Fatihah with educational goals is also supported by the attribute of piety, which is the ultimate goal of education, especially when correlated with the ultimate goal of Islamic education, which is the realization of the ideals of Islamic teachings themselves. Of course, to realize all of that, the soft skills and hard skills of the teacher are needed. Educators today develop according to their functions, nurturing to achieve educational goals. No matter how good the curriculum, administration, and facilities are, if they are not balanced with the improvement of the quality of their educators, they will not bring the expected results. Therefore, to become a professional educator, both soft skills and hard skills are needed, grounded in the educational values found in Surah Al-Fatihah. This research explores: The values of soft skills and hard skills of teachers found in Surah Al-Fatihah, verse 1: (a) Sincere intention to become an educator. (b) The intention to become a professional teacher. (c) Teachers possess spiritual intelligence. The values of soft skills and hard skills of a teacher in verse 2: (a) Teachers must possess commendable traits and noble character. (b) The teacher masters the field of knowledge. (c) The presence of response and stimulus in learning. The values of soft skills and hard skills of teachers in verse 3: (a) Teachers possess compassionate and caring qualities. (b) The teacher has a compassionate and loving spirit. (c) the teacher is gentle in delivering lessons. The values of the teacher's soft skills and hard skills in verse 4:(a) Teachers possess leadership qualities, (b) Teachers are fair, (c) Teachers are able to manage the classroom, (d) Teachers evaluate students' learning outcomes well. (e) Reword and punishment in education. The values of soft skills and hard skills of teachers in verse 5: (a) A teacher who is authoritative and respected, (b) A teacher who is knowledgeable and reliable, (c) A teacher as a helper. The values of teachers' soft skills and hard skills in verses 6-7: (a) Teacher as a mentor, (b) Teacher as a navigator, (c) Teacher as a role model, (d) Teacher communicates with students' parents</p> Rahmat Rahmat, Hendra Syafrianto, Oemar Mahmoed Copyright (c) 2025 Rahmat Rahmat, Hendra Syafrianto, Oemar Mahmoed Sat, 18 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Zarrah in the Qur'an and Science <p>This article aims to discuss verses from the Qur'an about zarrah and its integration with science. This research uses a qualitative design with literature study. The verses about zarrah are studied thematically using relevant scientific analysis. This research is to find out: (1) What is the meaning of zarrah in the Qur'an and science, (2) what is the relevance of zarrah in the Qur'an to the development of science. The results of the research are as follows (1) an atom is called the lafadz dzarrah, which means the smallest object that cannot be divided further. lafadz dzarrah is also expressed as the smallest ant (ant's head), in essence lafadz dzarrah is used to visualize something very small. Likewise, Greek scientists stated that atoms were the smallest particles and could not be divided further. With the development of science, research has been discovered which suggests that atoms are divided into three constituent parts, namely protons, electrons and neutrons. (2) The interpretation made by the mufassir of the word zarrah has relevance to the development of science. Mufassir's interpretation of the word zarrah has led scientific experts to research more comprehensively the smallest object in the world. And finally they discovered that atoms are the smallest objects in the world.</p> <p>Keywords: dzarrah; Al-Qur'an; interpretation; science</p> Nuraini Siregar; Mohammed Khoidaira; Nuriyanti Nuriyanti, Hidayatul Hayati Maksum; Muhammad Irfan Copyright (c) 2024 Nuraini Siregar; Mohammed Khodaira; Nuriyanti, Hidayatul Hayati Maksum; Muhammad Irfan Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000