'ayatu Al-Qur'an: Jurnal Pendidikan Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Ri'ayatu Al-Qur'an: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam</strong> is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Research and Community Services Center of STAI-PIQ Sumatera Barat - Indonesia. The Journal discusses and raises various issues related to Islamic education both theoretically and practically, while also raises the issue of research in Islamic education such as: technology, curriculum, media and learning model, instruments for evaluation in Islamic education, learning development for Islamic education, and action researches. Articles will be published if they were scientifically valuables, providing new knowledge and useful for the community of Islamic education. This journal is published twice a year, published in <strong>January</strong> and <strong>July</strong>. We were inviting scientists, researchers and professionals in the subject of Islamic education to submit their papers in our journal.</p> of the Implementation of the Tahfizh Program at State Islamic Senior High School 1 Pasaman2024-08-19T12:56:43+00:00Wardiyatun Musfirohwardiyatunmusfiroh17@gmail.comM. Zuhriwardiyatunmusfiroh17@gmail.comWilrahmi Izatiwardiyatunmusfiroh17@gmail.comElis Mariniwardiyatunmusfiroh17@gmail.comAchyar Rochmanwardiyatunmusfiroh17@gmail.comAfrihaldi<p>The development of the tahfizh program in schools has not been fully successful in achieving its targets, and many have even failed. This study aims to analyze how the implementation of the tahfizh program is carried out at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pasaman. This study uses method qualitative with approach descriptive. Data sources were taken from twelve informants through in-depth interviews selected using the <em>snowball sampling technique </em>, all informants were active teachers and students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pasaman in the 2023/2024 academic year. The results of the analysis show i) the planning of the tahfizh program at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pasaman, such as the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) exists and is made at the beginning of each semester with the K13 type. ii) the implementation of the tahfizh program at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pasaman is carried out once a week with a time allocation of two hours outside of structured class hours. iii) evaluation of the implementation of the tahfizh program is carried out at the end of each semester and is only carried out by the curriculum representative and tahfizh teacher. iv) related to the obstacles that occur in the implementation of the program consisting of student factors, teacher factors, environmental factors, time factors, and infrastructure factors. The results of this study can be used as initial data for subsequent researchers in examining this problem in different contexts and issues.</p>2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wardiyatun Musfiroh, M. Zuhri, Wilrahmi Izati, Elis Marini, Achyar Rochman, afrihaldi Education Learning Process in Islamic Religious Education Subjects for Children with Special Needs2024-09-14T03:57:22+00:00Tisya Khairunnisatisyakhairunnisa17@gmail.comMartono Martonotisyakhairunnisa17@gmail.comNurul Azizahtisyakhairunnisa17@gmail.comSiti Aniqatul Albartisyakhairunnisa17@gmail.comGrady Wallace<p>Inclusive education is a fundamental right that provides children with disabilities access to education alongside their peers. This study examines the implementation of inclusive learning within Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at the Creative Islamic Elementary School (SDIK) Makkah in Padang City. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach, data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation from school principals, PAI teachers, and special guidance teachers (GPK). The findings reveal that the lesson planning in PAI classes is inclusive, covering all students, including those with special needs (ABK), with additional objectives tailored by GPK according to ABK abilities. In the learning implementation phase, GPKs actively support ABK, prioritizing their participation. Evaluations are customized to ABK’s unique capabilities and learning characteristics, differing from standard assessments. Key supportive factors include knowledgeable principals, dedicated GPKs, and adequate infrastructure, while challenges arise from fluctuating ABK moods, teachers’ instructional dilemmas, and limited parental engagement due to busy schedules. This research contributes to the body of knowledge on inclusive education by providing insights into effective practices and obstacles, offering a valuable reference for future studies on inclusive learning in PAI subjects.</p>2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tisya Khairunnisa, Hasnah, Martono, Nurul Azizah, Siti Aniqatul Albar, Grady Wallace Raines of Quantum Teaching Model on Student’s Learning Outcomes2024-07-01T14:30:41+00:00Mardawila Adha Anjelimardawilaadhaanjeli@gmail.comMartin Kustatimardawilaadhaanjeli@gmail.comNana Sepriyantimardawilaadhaanjeli@gmail.comKatryn FurmstonKatryn@gmail.comCristina<p>The Quantum Teaching Model is one approach learning innovative designed to improve? motivation and results Study participant. This study aims to analyze?? the influence of the Quantum Teaching model on results Study participant based on review literature. The research method used is review literature with collect data from various source trusted like a journal scientific, theses, and dissertations. Research results show that the Quantum Teaching model has influence positive and significant to results Study participant educate in various eye lessons. These findings indicate that the Quantum Teaching model can be alternative effective learning models to improve? quality education.</p>2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mardawila Adha Anjeli, Martin Kustati, Nana Sepriyanti, Katryn Furmston, cristina parenti Beauty Concept of Fatimah Az-Zahra as A Basis of Moral Education2024-07-02T14:45:11+00:00Nurhapipah NurhapipahAfipa2611@gmail.comSoudabeh GhoroghiGhoroghi@gmail.comUmme RumanUmme@gmail.comOmar OsmanOmar347@gmail.comMouna<p>Fatimah Az-Zahra's concept of beauty towards moral education highlights the importance of understanding beauty in two dimensions, True beauty is not only limited to physical appearance, but also involves the goodness of the heart, morals, and attitudes. physical appearance, but also involves the goodness of the heart, morals, and attitudes of a person. a person. There is also a research method used in this This research is a literature study with a character study approach, and data analysis using the content analysis method. data analysis using the content analysis method. With an understanding of about the concept of inner beauty, it is hoped that it can help in building the next generation that has noble morals and awareness as a person. build the next generation that has noble morals and awareness as a caliph, as well as strengthening religious and social values in the world of education. khalifah, as well as strengthening religious and social values in the world of education. Fatimah Az-Zahra's inner beauty concept provides a holistic view of the goodness and beauty in human beings. of goodness and beauty in human beings, which can affect the way individuals respond to the environment and live their lives. individuals respond to the environment and live their daily lives.</p>2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 nurhapipah, Soudabeh Ghoroghi, Umme Ruman, Omar Osman, Mouna Rabhi Role of Muslim Youth in Promotion Education in Cambodia 2024-10-23T05:51:36+00:00Alpy Mathalpy.math@gmail.comChe<p>The Muslim community in Cambodia, generally known as “Cham”, descended from refugees from the ancient Kingdom of Champa who fled central Vietnam 500 years ago. The community has faced two main dramatic periods of persecution. The first began with the end of the Champa kingdom in the 16<sup>th</sup> century and the Khmer Rouge period lives on in the collective memory of Cambodians from 1975 to 1979, up to 2 million Cambodians were killed, with many more displaced and separated from their families. This study is to describe the situational context of the Cham Muslim minority setting in Cambodia as well as specific problems in the formal education using literature review and data analysis. On the way towards universal primary education, Cambodia has made good progress over the past fifteen years. In 2014, the net enrolment rate in primary school was 98.4 per cent, the primary school completion rate was 89.9 per cent and the literacy rate of people aged 15-24 years was 91 per cent. In Islamic education, MoEYS allocated 1,500 teaching positions with civil service status to the Islamic education school system. Of those, currently, 1,391 Islamic school teachers hold that title and receive their salaries from the RGC. Recruitment of the 1,391 Islamic school teachers to become civil service teachers was done by MoEYS, in collaboration with the Highest Council for Islamic Religious Affairs in Cambodia (referred to as Mufti), which has a leadership team appointed by the RGC. The qualitative data confirms that Islamic schools are not a monolithic entity. There are a variety of ways Islamic schools are administered, offering different curricula and serving diverse Muslim communities across Cambodia</p>2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alpy Math, Che Korhoet, Hak Fary