International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice <p align="justify">The International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice is a peer-reviewed international journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service <span class="affiliation">STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur'an Sumatera Barat, Indonesia</span>, Indonesia in collaboration with the International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center (IISDRC). The International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice is published in April and October every year, open to authors worldwide regardless of nationality. All published articles will be assigned a DOI provided by Crossref. The International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice provides a forum for academics and researchers to publish the latest and significant research as well as other publication activities, such as book reviews and articles. The specific aims of this Journal are (i) offering a forum for publishing high quality research in Islamic thought, (ii) Presenting new ideas and philosophical findings in Islamic thought and contemporary Muslim issues, (iii) Encouraging greater exchange of information. among various Islamic studies scholars around the world. and (iv) Disseminate the latest research that explores the relationship between Islamic thought and Islamic issues in the following scope.</p> en-US International Journal of Islamic Thought, Research and Practice Six Efforts by Teachers to Educate Student Behavior in High Schools <p>Good behavior is not born from heredity or happens suddenly, but requires ongoing guidance by adults, especially teachers. This research aims to analyze the actual efforts made by teachers in educating students' behavior in a better direction in high school. The author used a qualitative method with a case study approach in carrying out this research. Data sources were taken through individual interviews with thirty-six informants. All informants in this study were selected using purposive sampling techniques. The research findings found six concrete actions taken by teachers so that students had better behavior. These six actions are: i) modeling good behavior and providing advice during each learning process, ii) providing space for discussion to open students' horizons, iii) starting activities by praying before studying, iv) disciplining midday prayers in congregation, v) strengthening education exemplary, vi) involves the role of parents to work together in controlling behavior in a better direction. This research can be used as initial data for future researchers in studying this problem in different contexts and issues.</p> Fajriati Rahma Yunita Kartika Siti Sarah Fahrul Usmi Bujang Bujang Copyright (c) 2024 Fajriati Rahma, Yunita Kartika, Siti Sarah, Fahrul Usmi, Bujang Bujang 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 1 1 1 9 10.63061/ijitaripa.v1i1.11 Implementations of Character Education in Improving the Religious of High School Students <p>This research aims to determine the implementation of character education in improving the religious character of students in high school. This research uses a qualitative research method using an approach case study. Data sources were taken from ten informants consisting of the head of the character education program, deputy principal, Islamic religious education teacher and six high school students. To obtain data, researchers carried out observations, in-depth interviews, all data obtained was analyzed through thematic analysis miles huberman. The research results found seven implementations of character education in improving students' religious character. The seven implementations are: i) reading the Quran, ii) memorizing the Quran, iii) commemorating Islamic holidays, iv) lectures on character education, v) Islamic motivation, vi) congregational midday prayer, vii) <em>infaq</em> on Fridays. The results of this research can be used as initial data for future researchers in studying this problem in different contexts and issues.</p> Moren Mahira Nur Hazifa Rosi Guspita M. Zuhri Muhiddinur Kamal Ardi Satrial Copyright (c) 2024 Moren Mahira, Nur Hazifa, Rosi Guspita, M. Zuhri, Muhiddinur Kamal, Ardi Satrial 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 10 19 10.63061/ijitaripa.v1i1.13 An Analysis the Meaning of Al-Hazaru in the Quran <p>This research aims to explain the meaning of <em>al-hazaru</em> in the Quran, the forms of <em>al-hazaru</em> in the Quran, and the benefits of studying the verses of <em>al-hazaru</em> in the Quran.&nbsp;This research uses a qualitative method with a thematic analysis approach, the data source is taken from twenty-one times in twelve surahs and nineteen verses which refer to the meaning of al-hazaru in the Quran. The words of were then analyzed thematically based on the explanations contained in the interpretive books of the <em>mufassir</em>. Furthermore, to strengthen the analysis and discussion the author also refers to books, expert opinions and various findings from previous researchers related to this issue and topic. The author concludes the meaning of <em>al-hazaru</em> in the Quran, namely, first: with the meaning of fear. Second: with the meaning of being prepared. Third: with the meaning of caution. And fourth: with the meaning of guarding. There are two things that make <em>al-hazaru</em> form in the Quran, namely: the first one which is recommended, includes; fear of Allah and his punishment, beware of enemies, beware of hypocrites, and beware of disobedience to his messenger and the second thing that is prohibited, includes; afraid of death, and afraid of losing power.</p> Aulia Melviana Linda Suanti Ilham Operizal Chairun Nisa Elis Marini Copyright (c) 2024 Aulia Melviana, Linda Suanti, Ilham Operizal, Chairun Nisa, Elis Marini 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 20 29 10.63061/ijitaripa.v1i1.14 The Role of Teachers and Parents in Motivating Children to Memorize the Quran in Elementary School <p>Memorizing the Quran is the noblest task, but sometimes memorizing is not as easy as imagined, it requires strong motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic. This research aims to analyze the role of teachers and parents as motivators in efforts to increase students' motivation to memorize the Quran. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach (case study design). The data source was taken from sixteen informants through in-depth interviews who were selected using purposive sampling techniques, the informants consisted of students who attended a special tahfidz class at one of the elementary schools in Indonesia, and these students were students from class I to class VI at the elementary school level. . The results of the analysis show that there are several roles played by teachers and parents in increasing students' motivation to memorize the Quran. The teacher's role includes: i) as a motivator, ii) providing rewards, iii) holding a tahfidz graduation. Next, the role of parents is: i) always provide motivation, ii) supervise all student activities, iii) accompany children in memorizing the Quran.</p> Laila Alfisyahri Nurul Aini Zilva Gusri Novita Wilrahmi Izati Pioni Nurhaliza Copyright (c) 2024 Laila Alfisyahri, Nurul Aini, Zilva Gusri Novita, Wilrahmi Izati, Pioni Nurhaliza 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 30 38 10.63061/ijitaripa.v1i1.15 The Effect of Spiritual Attitudes on Student Learning Outcomes <p>A spiritual attitude is a person's relationship with God, where anything related to human activities always involves the guidance of God. This research aims to find out how spiritual attitudes influence the learning outcomes of moral beliefs. This research used a qualitative method with data sources taken from three tenth grade religious studies classes totaling sixty-nine respondents using a random sampling approach. Data collection uses the SPSS 21 qualitative analysis application for windows. The results of the analysis show that, the influence of spiritual attitudes on learning outcomes after testing the hypothesis on these 2 variables (Variable X with Variable Y) does have a significant influence on the spiritual attitudes of Madrasah Aliyah students. It is known that the value of the coefficient of determination R square is 0.013, thus there is a contribution between the variable (X) spiritual attitude activities and the variable (Y) learning outcomes of students' Aqidah Akhlak of 0.13% while the remaining 99.87% is influenced by other factors. The results of this research can be used as initial data for future researchers in studying this problem in different contexts and issues.</p> Iqkral Alif Achmadigo Razif Yalfarizi M. Faizul Akbar Ilpi Zukdi Ardi Satrial Martono Martono Copyright (c) 2024 Iqkral Alif Achmadigo, Razif Yalfarizi, M. Faizul Akbar, Ilpi Zukdi, Ardi Satrial, Martono Martono 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 39 45 10.63061/ijitaripa.v1i1.7