Al-Misbah: Journal of Quran, Hadith and Tafseer Studies <p style="text-align: justify;">Al-Misbah: Journal of Quran, Hadith and Tafsir Studies is a high-quality, open access, peer-reviewed research journal published every April and October by the <span class="affiliation">STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur'an Sumatera Barat Indonesia</span>, Indonesia in collaboration with International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center (IISDRC). Al-Misbah: Journal of Quranic Studies, Hadith and Tafsir is a multi-disciplinary publication dedicated to the scientific study of all aspects of the Quran, Hadith and Tafsir. Special attention is given to works related to biographies or thought studies of contemporary Al-Qur'an and Hadith figures, texts or thematic studies to produce relevant understanding of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, developments in the study of Al-Qur'an science. an'an, hadith and Tafsir. Manuscripts must be original research, written in English, and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed first by the editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two international reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in journals.</p> Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Pengembangan Ilmu al-Qur'an Sumatera Barat en-US Al-Misbah: Journal of Quran, Hadith and Tafseer Studies An Analysis the Meaning of the Word Light in Tafseer <p>As a miracle, every word in Quran contains many meanings that need to be studied scientifically and scientifically. History records that it is not uncommon for interpretive scholars to have different views on interpreting words in Quran. One of the words in the Quran that has been widely interpreted is light. Therefore, this article will discuss the meaning contained in the word light according to commentators. This research uses a qualitative method with a thematic analysis approach, the data source is taken from six words that refer to the meaning of light in Quran. The six words of light were then analyzed thematically based on the explanations contained in the interpretive books of the <em>mufassir</em>. Furthermore, to strengthen the analysis and discussion the author also refers to books, expert opinions and various findings from previous researchers related to this issue and topic. The analysis findings show six words of light according to the commentators such as the following themes; i) related words <em>dhiya’ </em>and <em>dhau' </em>is a source of light such as the sun, fire, lightning and the message of Prophet Musa, ii) related words <em>munir </em>is the light that emerges from the prophetic nature because he has conveyed Islamic preaching, iii) related to words <em>nur </em>commentators agree that the word <em>nur </em>refers to the light given by God to those who are chosen or get the guidance, iv) related to the word <em>al-Barq </em>refers to the light of temporary reproof for the hypocrites and bright light as a reward for those who do good, v) related words <em>al-Ra'du </em>have the meaning of a powerful roar as a punishment for the hypocrites and vi) while related words <em>Siraj </em>light which refers to the benefits of the sun obtained by humans and the blessings received by the Prophet Muhammad as a preacher, on the other hand, guidance to recipients of preaching or Muslims.</p> Luthfiyah Ummatun Nisa Eslem Turgut Amanda Aulia Mutiara Hati Ahmad Rasyid Voni Azira Mesha Sundari Copyright (c) 2024 Luthfiyah Ummatun Nisa, Eslem Turgut, Amanda Aulia, Mutiara Hati, Ahmad Rasyid, Voni Azira, Mesha Sundari 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 1 7 10.62990/juqhadis.v1i1.1 Devil’s Strategies: Four Devil’s Impulses to Mislead People in Tafseer <p>This research aims to find out the steps used by devil to mislead people in the Quran. This research refers to devil's efforts to tempt, divert, and mislead humans from the right path, and provides guidelines and strategies for humans to face devil's temptations and misdirection in everyday life. This type of research uses qualitative methods with a thematic analysis approach, the data source is taken from eighty-three words that refer to the meaning of devil in the Quran. The eighty-three devil words were then analyzed thematically based on ten books of interpretation. Furthermore, to strengthen the analysis and discussion the author also refers to books, expert opinions, and various findings from previous researchers related to this issue and topic. Analysis findings This reveals how devil's strategy is to mislead humans according to some <em>muffasir</em>, there are four steps of devil in the Quran which explain how devil misleads humans from several <em>mufassir </em>reveal what human nature is like i) inciting people to enmity, ii) wastefulness, iii) whispering evil thoughts, iv) making people forget to remember Allah. Based on these findings it could be the basis for further research and understanding of devil strategies in misleading people as well as a basis for future researchers to discuss this problem in different contexts and problems.</p> Natasya Humairah Farid Fauzi Icha Jasneli Mutiara Suci Ramadhani Nada Afifa Ihsani Rachmi Putri Attira Copyright (c) 2024 Natasya Humairah, Farid Fauzi, Icha Jasneli, Mutiara Suci Ramadhani, Nada Afifa Ihsani, Rachmi Putri Attira 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 8 12 10.62990/juqhadis.v1i1.2 Four Mistakes in the History of Prophet Musa and His Stick Related to the Israiliyyat Story in Tafseer Al-Thabariy and Al-Sa’labiy <p>One of the discussions of the branch of the Quran sciences is to discuss <em>Israiliyyat</em> shows that <em>Israiliyyat</em> is stories originating from Yahudi and Nasrani who tell stories related to the stories contained in the Quran. Therefore, this article will discuss related matters <em>Israiliyyat</em> found in the Book Tafsir <em>al-Thabariy</em> and <em>Al-Sa’labiy</em> about the story of Prophet Musa and his stick, both about the story in general, knowing the case for <em>Israiliyyat</em> and analyze the discussion, and take lessons or <em>i'tibar</em> from that case. This research uses a qualitative method with a thematic analysis approach, the data source is taken from between two related figures <em>Israiliyyat</em> which is found in two books. The data source of this research is based on the interpretation of the Book tafseer <em>al-Thabariy</em> and <em>Al-Sa’labiy</em> about the story of the Prophet Musa and his stick. Furthermore, to strengthen the analysis and discussion the author also refers to books, expert opinions, and various findings from previous researchers related to this issue and topic. The analysis findings show four errors in the story of the Prophet Musa and his stick related to the story <em>Israiliyyat</em> in tafseer <em>al-Thabariy</em> and <em>Al-Sa’labiy</em>, i) Prophet Musa used his stick to hit the rock until it released water (this is the meaning of the text of the verse), while the story <em>Israiliyyat</em> tells the original form of sticks and stones, ii) Prophet Musa used his stick as a focus (this is the meaning of the text of the verse), temporarily <em>Israiliyyat</em> explain the events of Prophet Musa with his stick during the journey, iii) Prophet Musa used his stick to part the sea (this is the meaning of the text of the verse), while <em>Israiliyyat</em> explaining the process of the split sea, iv) Prophet Musa threw his stick and turned into a snake (the meaning of the text of the verse) temporarily <em>Israiliyyat </em>telling about the shape of a snake. Therefore, the results of the research will be described in full in the discussion chapter.</p> Zahratul Defitri Siti Aisyah binti Mohd. Halimi Dzul Irsyadul Fikri Ihsan Annisa Oktavia Zulfi Akmal Copyright (c) 2024 Zahratul Defitri, Siti Aisyah binti Mohd. Halimi, Dzul Irsyadul Fikri Ihsan, Annisa Oktavia, Zulfi Akmal 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 13 22 10.62990/juqhadis.v1i1.3 Thematic Analysis: Shaihah in the Tafseer <p>The purpose of this article is to explain the various things in the Quran. The problem formulation in this research is what the information about the Quran <em>shaihah</em> is completely and comprehensively. Meanwhile, the writer limits the problem in this research to meaning <em>shaihah</em> in the Quran, all kinds of things <em>shaihah </em>in the Quran, subject and object in the Quran, cause and effect <em>shaihah</em> dalam Quran. This research uses a qualitative method with a thematic analysis approach<em>.</em> By choosing a theme related to the verses of the Quran, and then explaining by interpreting the opinions of the scholars. Based on the research conducted by the author, it can be concluded that meaning <em>shaihah</em> in language, namely screams and doom. Meanwhile meaning <em>shaihah</em> in terms it is the scream of the Jibril, the sound of thunder, punishment, a loud voice, the voice of the Israfil, and the one calling in the army. All kinds of things <em>shaihah</em> in the Quran, namely <em>shaihah</em> related to the afterlife and <em>shaihah</em> related to the world.</p> Firsthalia Ariga Fauzan Ariga Khansa Firdaus Kamrianto Kamrianto Rega Rahmanda Linda Suanti Copyright (c) 2024 Firsthalia Ariga, Fauzan Ariga, Khansa Firdaus, Kamrianto Kamrianto, Rega Rahmanda, Linda Suanti 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 23 28 10.62990/juqhadis.v1i1.4 Tikrar in Surah al-Qamar: Perspective of Tafseer al-Sya’rawi <p>This research aims to explain the meaning of repetition (<em>tikrar) </em>in Surah al-Qamar according to tafseer<em> al-Sya’rawi.</em> This research uses a qualitative method with a thematic analysis approach, the data source is taken from repeated sentences in Surah al-Qamar and then analyzed based on the explanations contained in the book tafseer<em> al-Sya’rawi</em>. Furthermore, to strengthen the analysis and discussion the author also refers to books, expert opinions and various findings from previous researchers related to this topic. The findings of the analysis show that Surah al-Qamar contains discussions about the Day of Judgment, and stories of previous people who denied their messenger, namely the people of Prophet Nuh, the people of 'Ad, the people of Thamud and the people of Prophet Lut. Allah uses a pattern of repetition in conveying the message of this letter, which is found in verse which is repeated four times and is found in verses 16, 18, 21, and 30. Each story in this verse is closed with a verse which is repeated four times, namely in verses 17, 22, 32, and 40. Imam al-Sya'rawi concluded that the purpose or function of the repeated verse is to <em>taqrir </em>(determination), <em>ta`kid al-haqiqah </em>(emphasizing the fact), <em>liyukarrira al-‘izhzhah </em>(to repeat the warning).</p> Latifah Lautah Perni Hidayatul Hayani Elvi Wahyu Lianti Yelmi Yelmi Copyright (c) 2024 Latifah Lautah Perni, Hidayatul Hayani, Elvi Wahyu Lianti, Yelmi Yelmi 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 1 1 29 36 10.62990/juqhadis.v1i1.5