Devil’s Strategies: Four Devil’s Impulses to Mislead People in Tafseer


  • Natasya Humairah STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur'an Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
  • Farid Fauzi STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur’an Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
  • Icha Jasneli Holy Quran and Islamic Science University Yemen, Yemen
  • Mutiara Suci Ramadhani Al-Azhar University, Egpyt
  • Nada Afifa Ihsani Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia
  • Rachmi Putri Attira Universitas Islam Negeri Prof. K.H Saifuddin Zuhri, Indonesia



Encouragement, devil, human, interpretation


This research aims to find out the steps used by devil to mislead people in the Quran. This research refers to devil's efforts to tempt, divert, and mislead humans from the right path, and provides guidelines and strategies for humans to face devil's temptations and misdirection in everyday life. This type of research uses qualitative methods with a thematic analysis approach, the data source is taken from eighty-three words that refer to the meaning of devil in the Quran. The eighty-three devil words were then analyzed thematically based on ten books of interpretation. Furthermore, to strengthen the analysis and discussion the author also refers to books, expert opinions, and various findings from previous researchers related to this issue and topic. Analysis findings This reveals how devil's strategy is to mislead humans according to some muffasir, there are four steps of devil in the Quran which explain how devil misleads humans from several mufassir reveal what human nature is like i) inciting people to enmity, ii) wastefulness, iii) whispering evil thoughts, iv) making people forget to remember Allah. Based on these findings it could be the basis for further research and understanding of devil strategies in misleading people as well as a basis for future researchers to discuss this problem in different contexts and problems.




How to Cite

Humairah, N., Fauzi, F., Jasneli, I., Ramadhani, M. S., Ihsani, N. A., & Attira, R. P. (2024). Devil’s Strategies: Four Devil’s Impulses to Mislead People in Tafseer. Al-Misbah: Journal of Quran, Hadith and Tafseer Studies, 1(1), 8-12.


