Tikrar in Surah al-Qamar: Perspective of Tafseer al-Sya’rawi


  • Latifah Lautah Perni STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur'an Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
  • Hidayatul Hayani Al-Azhar University, Egypt
  • Elvi Wahyu Lianti Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam dan Arab, Indonesia
  • Yelmi Yelmi STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur’an Sumatera Barat, Indonesia




Tikrar, surah al-qamar, tafseer al-sya’rawi


This research aims to explain the meaning of repetition (tikrar) in Surah al-Qamar according to tafseer al-Sya’rawi. This research uses a qualitative method with a thematic analysis approach, the data source is taken from repeated sentences in Surah al-Qamar and then analyzed based on the explanations contained in the book tafseer al-Sya’rawi. Furthermore, to strengthen the analysis and discussion the author also refers to books, expert opinions and various findings from previous researchers related to this topic. The findings of the analysis show that Surah al-Qamar contains discussions about the Day of Judgment, and stories of previous people who denied their messenger, namely the people of Prophet Nuh, the people of 'Ad, the people of Thamud and the people of Prophet Lut. Allah uses a pattern of repetition in conveying the message of this letter, which is found in verse which is repeated four times and is found in verses 16, 18, 21, and 30. Each story in this verse is closed with a verse which is repeated four times, namely in verses 17, 22, 32, and 40. Imam al-Sya'rawi concluded that the purpose or function of the repeated verse is to taqrir (determination), ta`kid al-haqiqah (emphasizing the fact), liyukarrira al-‘izhzhah (to repeat the warning).




How to Cite

Perni, L. L., Hayani, H., Lianti, E. W., & Yelmi, Y. (2024). Tikrar in Surah al-Qamar: Perspective of Tafseer al-Sya’rawi. Al-Misbah: Journal of Quran, Hadith and Tafseer Studies, 1(1), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.62990/juqhadis.v1i1.5


