About the Journal

Nida Al-Qur'an: Jurnal Pengkajian Islam, Islamic sciences have a humanities and social sciences perspective. This journal also has a program that aims to bridge the gap between textual and contextual approaches in Islamic Studies, and resolving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ Islam. The two are interrelated: textual traditions show that Islam, as well as a range of religious teachings, is a way of dealing with practical challenges in economic and social life. So, this journal invites the intersection of several scientific disciplines and scholars. In other words, the contributors borrow from a variety of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences. Nida Al-Qur'an: Jurnal Pengkajian Islam Islamic Sciences is published by the Institute for Research and Community Service STAI Pengembangan Ilmu Al-Qur'an Sumatera Barat, Indonesia in collaboration with the International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center (IISDRC). Nida Al-Qur'an: Jurnal Pengkajian Islam is published twice in June and December every year.