SM Implementation Activity Religious in Formation Morals Students at State Elementary Madrasahs 1 Agam


  • Shofiyatul Maula STAI-PIQ Sumatera Barat
  • Zainal Asril UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
  • M. Zuhri STAI-PIQ Sumatera Barat
  • Ahmad Saefulloh Universitas Palangka Raya, Indonesia



Study This against the backdrop Because problem morals middle become conversation in world education, crisis moral Which happen in everywhere, so mark- mark morals Which will to form personality somebody, activity religious It is hoped that it can be an alternative to develop and form moral values. This study aims to, 1) find out the planning of religious activities in forming the morals of students in MIN 1 Agam, 2) knowing the implementation religious activities in the formation of students' morals at MIN 1 Agam, 3) obstacles from religious activities in formation morals participant educated at MIN 1 Religion. Research This use method qualitative with approach descriptive. The data collection techniques are through observation, interviews and documentation. The data sources were taken from twenty informants, consisting of the head of the madrasah, deputy head of the madrasah, and student affairs, Teacher And participant educate. Whereas technical analysis the data use model Mills and Hubberman that is collection data, reduction data, presentation data And verification . Result study This is, 1) planning activity religious in formation of students' morals in MIN 1 Religion, 2) implementation of religious activities in forming participants' morals educate in MIN 1 Religion namely There is Which implemented routine every Sunday And There is also implemented on times certain , activity Which implemented every Sunday started on o'clock 07.00-07.30 However Also There is Which until O'clock 08.00 WIB, every activity can forming and fostering good morals in students 3) the constraints come from the teacher, participant educate and facilities and infrastructure .



How to Cite

Maula, S., Asril, Z., Zuhri, M., & Saefulloh, A. (2024). SM Implementation Activity Religious in Formation Morals Students at State Elementary Madrasahs 1 Agam. Muaddib: International Journal of Islamic Teaching and Learning, 1(2), 75-83.


